
Digitization services apply to bound, loose leaf, oversize and 3D materials. Additionally, we can digitize photographic negatives, prints and microfilm. The specialists within SRLF Imaging Services are trained to handle fragile materials while using state of the art medium format cameras and scanners to produce high resolution images intended for long-term digital preservation. We do not currently offer Optical Character Recognition (OCR) services but can advise on best practices for creating digital objects that are able to undergo the process. 

Below is a table listing the maximum resolution we can attain based on the size of the materials:

Maximum Capture Area Maximum PPI
8" x 10" (20 cm x 25 cm) 600
16.5" x 26" (42 cm x 66 cm) 600
24" x 36" (60 cm x 90 cm) 600
30" x 40" (75 cm x 100 cm) 300
40" x 60" (100 cm x 150 cm) 300
36" x 48" (90 cm x 120 cm) 300
48" x 60" (120 cm x 150 cm) 150
Photographic Film (35mm – 4”x5”) 800-2800
Photographic Film (4”x5” – 8”10”) 800-1200

Pricing Structure

  • Special handling charges refer to extra time spent prepping an object for digitization or microfilming, usually due to extreme fragility.
  • Items under 24”x 16” are scanned on an overhead scanner whereas items larger than 24”x 16” are photographed using medium format digital camera systems.
  • Please use our inquiry form to contact us about receiving quote for services.
Digitization UC Users Non-UC Users
Loose materials, 400ppi or 600ppi (CopiBook) $0.40 per page $0.56 per page
Bound volumes at 400ppi (CopiBook) $0.30 per page $0.42 per page
Bound volumes at 600ppi (CopiBook) $1.01 per page $1.39 per page
Loose materials, oversize (PhaseOne) $8.87 per image $12.25 per image
Bound volumes, oversize (PhaseOne) $4.05 per image  $5.59 per image
Transmissive materials (PhaseOne) $3.04 per image  $4.19 per image
 Microfilm (Mekel) $50.48 per reel  $69.66 per reel
Other Services
Special handling $40.39 per hour $55.74 per hour
Derivative creation $0.02 per file $0.03 per file
Optical Character Recognition $0.05 per file $0.06 per file
File transfer $4.12 per 15GB $5.69 per 15GB
Minimum charge
  $40.39 $55.74

Delivery and Storage of Digital Images

Images can be sent to patrons via UCLA Box or transferred onto an external hard drive. Hard drives must be provided by customer. A 15 GB maximum cap is set for UCLA Box transfers. When creating a cost estimate for a project we will try to estimate the amount of storage space needed to accommodate the resulting files.



Guidelines We Follow and Recommendations for Best Practices

The SRLF Imaging Services Lab adheres to the guidelines outlined by the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative (FADGI). Though we can accommodate a number of file types and image resolutions we recommend the following standards for textual information:

  • 300 – 400 ppi, TIFF file type, Adobe RGB color profile, 8 bit color depth (per channel)

For archival or publication purposes we recommend the following specifications:

  • 400 ppi – 600 ppi, TIFF file type, Adobe RGB color profile, 8 bit color depth (per channel)

Other guidelines:

  • For book digitization all covers and pages are digitized as recto/verso single pages unless specified otherwise.
  • For book digitization all blank pages are photographed unless specified otherwise.
  • For map, poster, and architectural drawings only the recto is digitized unless the verso contains information, or unless specified otherwise.
  • We can accommodate foldouts when applicable.
  • Spines, edges and 3D objects can be photographed on a project-by-project basis.
  • Photographers use Golden Thread targets from Image Science Associates to ensure correct color and white balance calibration.
  • We can photograph most celluloid negatives including 35mm, 4x5 negatives and slides.

To better understand the SRLF's guidelines for resolution, the table below contains the typical resolutions used for different types of imaging projects:

Resolution Application
72 ppi Photocopying
200 ppi Minimum for OCR on suitable materials (sharp, text-only pages); inter-library loan articles; we do not perform OCR services in house
300 ppi Minimum recommended for OCR; some large-format items, newer materials; we do not perform OCR services in-house
400 ppi Minimum recommended for preservation standards: documents/ephemera, books, correspondence
600 ppi High-quality digitization: art, photographs, maps (as high as possible), paper quality

More Resources:


Turnaround Times

Below are typical turnaround times for most projects. A timeline is provided with a cost estimate:

Request Type Standard Turnaround of Materials
Standard Digitization Request 20 business days
Digitization of Oversized Materials 40 business days
Rush Request The lab coordinator will discuss our ability to accommodate these requests. Please contact the lab coordinator via the inquiry form.


Our Quality Assurance & Control Procedures

Quality control is defined in this instance as those steps incorporated into the production process that are designed specifically to reduce error. Quality assurance is the process by which the total product is examined to ensure that the quality criteria initially established in the pre-production tests are met.


All reproductions of materials provided by SRLF Imaging Services must fall under allowances provided by Section 107 (Fair Use) and Section 108 (Library and Archives Exceptions) of the United States Copyright Act.

Patrons may not publish, post to the Internet, or otherwise distribute copies of any holdings that fall under U.S. Copyright law without appropriate permission. Provision of copies of materials does not in any way imply permission to utilize materials for reasons other than personal research and scholarly use.

If an intended use will extend beyond personal research purposes and a patron wishes to publish or distribute copies of materials, please note the following:

  • The Library does not grant or deny permission to publish or otherwise distribute material whose copyright it does not hold or material deemed to be in the public domain.
  • Patrons must clear any intellectual property (copyright, trademark, patent), privacy, and publicity rights in the material prior to publication or distribution.
  • Patrons must pay applicable licensing fees for the use of material when its copyright is held by the University of California Regents, in addition to any duplication costs.


Contacting SRLF Imaging Services

  • Library staff members with UCLA Library who would like to propose a digitization project please refer to the Collections Council Digitization Team Confluence Page and follow the steps to filling out a digitization proposal.
  • Library staff members who would like to request on-demand digitization services or inquire more about the lab please use our inquiry form.
  • Patrons who wish to digitize materials they own, are not associated with the UC system, and would like a price estimate, more information regarding procedures, etc. please contact via our inquiry form.
  • Library patrons and other researchers seeking digital copies of materials from UCLA collections are advised to contact public service staff of the relevant library: UCLA Library Staff Contacts